
Your Smart Phone is a Deadly Weapon

smart phone is deadly

The computers (laptops/desktops) and mini-computers (smart phones) we use during the day, and carry around with us nearly all the time, NEED to be viewed as tools that are just as harmful as a firearm could be without proper training.

Our smart phones, and the various applications running on them, indeed have been designed to be deadly psychological warfare weapons for mass consumption from the very beginning.

Although you may not even be aware this is happening, these devices monitor everything you say and do, attempt to control your attention and shape how you think all day, every day.

These devices are tools that you can choose to master and understand… or the tool, and the companies who control the tool, will become the master of you.

To learn more about just how harmful and addictive these devices have become to ourselves and our society, I strongly encourage you to watch at least one of the documentaries below that provide these frightening details. In fact, I highly recommend you sit and watch them with as many friends and family as you can gather together.

child with gun

To put this in proper perspective, would you carry a gun in your pocket all day without knowing how to properly use and care for it?

Would you willingly purchase a fire arm and let your kids or grandchildren do the same?

Regardless how you answer this, you sure as heck shouldn’t if you cared for their physical well being!

Do you see the parallel?

All users of these complex tools should take the time to be just as informed and trained on how these tools work, and how to safely operate them, BEFORE choosing to use or carry them around all day every day.

The convenience economy, however, has lulled us to sleep and put these very deadly weapons into the hands of billions of people who are blowing their digital heads off, and those around them, nearly all day every day.

deadly phones1

“But, I’m technologically slow” is NOT an excuse.

“But, I’m not great with tech” is NOT an excuse either.

If I felt I was not capable of safely operating a firearm, and was incapable of loading and unloading it or even understanding how the thing worked in the first place, I certainly would not carry one around on my person all day every day. I would be a clear danger to both myself and everyone around me.

If I was someone training others on how to use firearms and someone approached me saying they 1) didn’t understand how guns worked, 2) didn’t want to learn how they worked, 3) were afraid of handling and using a gun 4) but felt the need to have one on them every day… I would tell them that they most certainly should not own one or carry it.

I would coach them to use a taser or some other tool for protection.

I would coach them to start handling and practice shooting water pistols or NERF guns so they could get comfortable handling the fake weapon before moving on to something that could actually do some serious damage.

Do you see the parallel?

Regardless of how dependent upon these devices you’ve become, learning exactly how these devices work so that you can safely protect yourself and those around you must be a priority in your life. If you indeed are dependent on these devices, and the applications within them, it should become an even greater priority.

I get it. Learning new things can be tough. If you go into the process saying to yourself that you’ll never be successful, guess what? You likely won’t be.

So get over it. Embrace the reality that we are at war right now and must get comfortable being uncomfortable.

We must do the hard things, such as learning how these powerful tools we depend on every day actually work.

no more excuses


Watch one of the videos linked on the top of this article and get informed on how these devices work:

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