
The Best Big Tech Memes

digital privacy best memes boycottbigtech

There are far too many “patriots” who, despite preaching “Cancel BigTech!”, simply refuse to stop giving their money and data to BigTech by choosing convenience > digital freedom in their continued use of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon products (Google Android, Google Maps, iPhone, iOS, Windows, O365, AWS, Instagram, WhatsApp… the list is vast).

In early 2022, knowing the power of memes as tools during warfare, after spending a week digging through the internet to find any such memes that addressed the harsh reality of the surveillance state we live in, I discovered there is a surprisingly massive glut on this very topic.

In light of this, @GrapheneGoat and I started creating and compiling our own list.

Thankfully, more and more are showing up as artists, cartoonists and random anons wake up to the battle raging against our online privacy and digital sovereignty. We add the best of what we can find here as well.

Enjoy… and please share these far and wide with a simple copy/paste into your social network or forum of choice!

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