Captial Partners Needed

Hard to believe, but as of late last month it's officially been a year since we launched MARK37.COM. Since then we've traveled the country, met thousands of patriots face to face, sold hundreds of devices, partnered with some amazing companies and proven there's a receptive audience for products, services and practical training that help people reclaim their data and take control of their digital privacy.

We decided early on to self fund and bootstrap the business to see if, in fact, there was even an appetite to ditch Big Tech. The good news is, we discovered there definitely is a growing demand. Those we meet at events, or whom hear about us from radio or online interviews, are ecstatic that they’ve finally found options to kick Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon out of their lives for good.

Although we’ve made very little $ go a very long way, for MARK37 to continue to grow and make an impact on a larger scale, the simple reality is we need capital.

The nominal net profits we make on each device sold are simply not enough to consistently reach our target audience, maintain a stable inventory of products, or hire the experienced full time team desperately needed to support the growth of the business.

We have been at the tip of the spear with over a year of metrics, conversations with customers and lessons learned. We have a big vision for where we are headed over the coming months and years to come and I believe we have an exciting opportunity to truly make an impact that provides gigantic wins for everyone involved. I’ve gone “all in” on this mission over the past year and am now actively seeking a few capital partners who are aligned with our mission to help share the load and take things to the next level.

If this is of interest to you, or someone you might know, please reach out to me directly for more details -

Blessings to you all and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Sean Patrick Tario