
As the world becomes progressively more digital, you may be one of many individuals worried about their online safety and privacy. With all sorts of sneaky software available to companies, it’s not unreasonable to be concerned that your computer’s microphone or camera is recording you without your knowledge. For that reason, Mic-Lock developed anti-spy mic blockers that electronically block your microphone from activating. Our camera covers and microphone blockers are one-of-a-kind designs that no other company can compete with.

At Mic-Lock we believe that privacy is your right, and with that in mind our technology is dedicated to providing simple solutions to high-tech problems.

Take your safety and privacy into your own hands with one of our microphone blockers. If you have any questions about how our blockers work, get in contact with us today! We’d be happy to help you stay informed, so you can make an educated decision.

We are as committed to customer service as we are to securing your privacy. Please email us, phone or use the chat function to ask us any questions you may have about our products. We are based in the US and can be reached by phone (360-210-4528) between the hours of 10am to 2pm Pacific Monday - Friday (expect for US national holidays).


At Mic-Lock we believe that privacy is your right!

Home http://www.mic-lock.com
Phone (360) 210-4528
Email Support@Mic-Lock.com