
Digital Privacy Bootcamp Live Training

digital privacy bootcamp

The Digital Privacy Bootcamp is the core to the live training we offer to groups across the country.

The focus of this training is on how BigTech (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, etc.) is directly involved with stealing our information on a regular basis and, more importantly, what we can do about it.

  • Did you know that between the 5 companies just mentioned, they make over $1,000,000,000,000 annually (that’s right, One Trillion Dollars… ANNUALLY!) which they in turn use to directly support candidates and causes that we, as Constitutional Conservative Christians, directly oppose?
  • Did you know that these companies alone collectively spend orders of magnitude more than nearly every other crazy leftist company that we’ve been hearing chants to boycott (Target, Anheuser-Busch, Ben & Jerry’s, etc.) and are far more directly responsible for the censorship and narrative manipulation via their ownership of everything we see and hear through the devices, search tools and applications they directly control?

Despite these facts, the majority of Constitutional, Conservative, Christians still use the tools of the enemy on a daily basis.

We must change this dynamic ASAP and it all starts with education.

During the presentation, you will learn:

  1. How, specifically, BigTech Monetizes and Spies on you
  2. The difference between “Closed Source” and “Open Source”
  3. Telecom Basics
  4. Current Realities of EMF & 5G
  5. Alternative Open Source Devices & Applications
  6. What other technologies exist that we could use for local/regional decentralized communications
  7. Various degrees of digital security (How secure do you NEED to be?)

Below you will find a link to download the most current deck that is used during the bootcamp as well as the 2 recordings from when Sean was in Wilson, WI giving this presentation live.

Although many of the training sessions we do are for private groups, you can see a list of our upcoming scheduled public events HERE.

If you would be interested in hosting Sean for a live or virtual training, please contact our team ASAP ( as Sean’s schedule tends to be booked 3-4 months in advance.

PDF Download of Most Current Presentation Deck

Live Bootcamp Presentation (Part 1 of 2)

Live Bootcamp Presentation (Part 2 of 2)

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