Migration Support


Up to 2-hours of support as you migrate to your new device. Must be purchased as an Upgrade with the Ghost Laptop, Ghost Phone or Ghost Tablet to receive discounted rate.

Let us know what devices you are wanting to migrate from and to as well as what applications or services (such as email) you would like help with.


Need assistance migrating to your new device?

iPhone –> Ghost Phone?

Google Android Device –> Ghost Phone?

Ghost Phone –> Ghost Phone?

Windows –> Linux/Zorin?

Macbook –> Linux/Asahi?

Linux –> Linux?

Regardless of what you are migrating from or to, we have got you covered.

Once you sign up for this service we will reach out to understand exactly what your needs are and then schedule a block of time to get you headed in the right direction and, if not fully migrated over successfully, a detailed game plan on how to get you there once our time is up.

Note, in some cases, you may receive a list with some tasks that you will need to do prior to the migration session to ensure we can make the most of our time together. This may include things like:

  • Auditing your existing environment(s) and device(s)
  • Ensuring you have the correct login information for various critical applications you may need access to
  • Exporting or backing up certain files
  • Procuring specific devices to back your data up to
  • Performing initial registrations or setup of desired new email, VPN, etc. accounts

If you are unsure if this session is needed or would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to sign up for a free 15-30 minute consultation HERE before purchasing this service.