
Is the New UnPlugged Phone A Scam?

unplugged phone upphone

I am asked frequently about the Unplugged Phone that Erik Prince has launched, now that he’s been doing the rounds on all the major “conservative” media radio, podcast and TV shows.

Before you dig through this article, however, I think it important for you to understand if it is even possible for us to truly “Go Ghost” at all with our devices. I break down the various ways our devices are, and are not, secure HERE.

re: the UP Phone, however, my short response is, “Hard pass, unfortunately. Not a fan.”

Here’s why:

1) The UnPlugged Phone is all new hardware

We’ve been trained to think that every year or 2 years we need the “new new thing”, which is entirely unnecessary. There are billions of mint condition refurbished phones and laptops in the market today whose performance more than accomplishes the needs of 95% of the consumer market.

Did you know that within each device there is Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Copper, Neodymium, Cobalt, Lithium, Graphite, Neodymium, Yttrium, Dysprosium, and other precious metals? Often overlooked, the harsh reality is that buying a brand new device creates the incentive and demand for more slave labor (mostly children) in Asia and Africa for these various precious metals used within the device itself.

There are literally billions of mint condition refurbished devices available in the market right now and they cost far less than a brand new one. In many cases, A LOT less. Like driving a new car off the lot, the value of a new device plummets within months of being purchased.

This means you can pick up an extremely powerful machine in excellent condition from 1 or 2 years ago for 50+% off the cost of a new one. Most refurbished devices now also come with 3-6-12 month warranties and support as well.

2) The software and applications on the UnPlugged Phone are Closed Source

This means across all their privacy products the answer is, “trust us, it’s secure.” This is the same logic that Microsoft, Google, Apple and other BigTech companies apply to their devices and is a HUGE red flag.

We prefer our software transparent and auditable. You should too.

To learn more about what the difference is between open source and closed source, I break this down @ the 43 minute mark during the online version of my Digital Privacy Bootcamp found HERE.

3) The UnPlugged Phone is $$$ expensive

Not just expensive, but nearly 2x what the existing open source solutions available in the market offer. I’m sure it costs a lot of money when you’re sourcing brand new hardware and working with the top paid spooks in the world to develop your new “super secure and private” phone.

They also want to lock you into a recurring monthly service contract to use their “trust us, it’s super secure, even though there’s no way for anyone to audit it and prove it” software.

Pegasus Spyware

4) The main developer for the UnPlugged Phone was the Israeli intelligence hacker who created the Pegasus spyware

Yep, this used to be one of their main selling points, but have since removed this from their website last I checked. We’re supposed to trust the device because it was developed by the same guy that allowed the US and other intelligence agencies (and private contractors for the right price) to hack into nearly any iPhone or Google Android phone.

For the record, if you think any former Israeli intelligence hacker isn’t still on the payroll of Israeli intelligence, or any number of other intelligence agencies, I’ve got some ocean front property in New Mexico on super sale I’d like to talk to you about.

5) Who is Erik Prince, really?

Founder/CEO of Blackwater… remember Blackwater? The clandestine private military contractor who was paid $1B’s to send private military forces around the world to kill people?

Call me crazy, but I personally have a VERY hard time trusting anyone who’s successfully leveraged the military industrial complex to make the kind of money he did doing contract killing around the world. How these facts about Erik Prince have suddenly been forgotten about is mind blowing to me. Then again, a lot of what we see happening today is mind blowing to me, so I’m not too surprised.

“But he says he’s a Christian!”

I pray he does have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and is actively working to seek Truth in Love and live in accordance to His Word.

I know, however, that we shall know those who follow Christ by their fruit. Actions > Words. There are many who use the label “Christian” as a way to prevent people from actually digging deeper and looking at one’s true behavior, actions and “fruit”.

Related, do some digging on Erik’s history and his family. Follow the money and look at his parents. Who were they? What were they involved with? How does one build the relationships and network to become one of the largest private military contractors for the US Government?

For the record, I do not know Erik personally and have never spoken with the man. I have listened to countless interviews, even the most recent ones, and he sounds like he’s on the MAGA train. There are many riding this train right now for their own personal gain, not because they actually want to rebuild the Republic and save this nation. As such, I take people’s words at face value. I look to actions and fruit.

I pray I am wrong about Mr. Prince and if I discover I am wrong, I will gladly let everyone know and explain how I’ve come to a change of opinion. I seek Truth, even when it conflicts with an existing belief or opinion, and often this means my thoughts and opinions evolve over time.

However, his background and the various other concerns listed above make me question what his true motives really are with this device.

what is grift

In conclusion…

My opinion at this time, is that the product is running on a platform of, “trust the former DOD military industrial complex contractor who’s using closed source software, has a former elite Israeli intelligence hacker creating the software and wants to charge you monthly for services you can get for free elsewhere”.

Hence, hard pass.

I truly wish this wasn’t the case. Like too many “patriot” products being promoted by major “conservative” media outlets and talking heads, we believe this is yet another GRIFT product.

Also, for the record, if I had the money Erik Prince has, I’d also be on Tucker Carlson, War Room, Tim Pool, Shawn Ryan… and every other “conservative” talking head radio show. We have found that these are all unfortunately pay to play media platforms when it comes to discussing topics such as digital privacy.

I’d LOVE to sit and debate Mr. Prince and even Elon Musk about the merits of their phones vs the existing open source solutions already available in the market. Let’s put all the facts on the table and let people decide for themselves.

If anyone can make this happen, please, make it happen!

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